AAUW National Strategic Plan


Adopted by the AAUW Board of Directors on February 23, 2014

The AAUW Strategic Plan is created through an inclusive process involving the AAUW Board of Directors and staff. The goals, indicators of success, and strategies reflect an integrated approach to fulfilling our mission, vision, and value promise.

This is a living, fluid document, incorporating the current best practices for a nonprofit organization at this time. As such, it is not dated, as current strategic planning has moved away from three- to five-year plans. It has short- and long-term strategies that will evolve over time. Specific internal measures and tactics for each strategy will be set by the board and staff and reviewed periodically.

The AAUW Strategic Plan is a national model. States and branches are encouraged to embrace the goals and strategies, build their own plans, and determine how they can contribute to our shared organizational success within the parameters of their own resources and communities.

1111 Sixteenth St. NW • Washington, DC 20036 • 202.785.7700 • 800.326.AAUW • connect@aauw.org

Click on this link to read the whole document: AAUW STRATEGIC PLAN